New editions
ECN43 Dolphins into the Future “In Hirokazu-San’s Office, Driead Tea Leaves Are Waiting To Speak (Soundscape)” CD (May 2024)
ECN42 Lieven Martens “In Hirokazu-San’s Office, Driead Tea Leaves Are Waiting To Speak (Anecdotes)” CD (May 2024)
We are inside the office of Hirokazu-San, the director of Ujikoen. Ujikoen is a historical tea company based in Kizugawa near Kyoto.
There’s four of us
Kojima Hirokazu : director of the tea company
Kazuki Tomita : a translator hired for our project
Floris Vanhoof : multimedia artist
Lieven Martens : sound recordist
In this office Hirokazu-San tastes and slurps tea every day. Carefully he boils the water, selects the leaves, tastes the harvest, sip. Rounding up to about 300.000 sips - or more? - during his years studying for, and being a, teamaster.